The break of the new year in 2014 saw me leaving my house; my comfort zone to Alaska. This was just 5 months after my secondary school graduation, I gained admission into the University.
I made my needs list and followed it up judiciously. I got new clothes, books, foodstuff and other materials/ tools that will make me fly and cool.
On resuming campus, I paid my tuition and other registration requisites. I started preparing for classes and forgot I don’t even have the time table for my classes.
I hurried to the departmental notice board (Business Administration), and I copied all classes related to BUS, be it 101,201,305 or 410. Man…i copied everything.
The next two weeks, I attended all my classes; I have been receiving lectures with 2nd and 3rd-year students and no one noticed or made a fuzz about it. I wasn’t even worried, my fear was that I won’t be able to meet up the classes that are clash with each other.
Not until I entered a 400level class with a Professor, the lady was very fluent, articulated and enjoyed class participation.
Prof: Can someone explain to me how Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs is most likely to affect a consumer buying decision in a shopping mall?
The class was silent.
Prof: Fair boy, in the middle roll, can you please tell the class.
Me; (Trying to be smart and polite) But you have taught us that theory, we just started your course today. Can you make this an assignment, I will definitely come back with a more satisfying answer.
The rest of the class started laughing, the professor was shocked and I could read it on her face. I also started laughing.
Prof: What’s your name, this is the first time I am seeing you? Didn’t you take previous courses in psychology and marketing management in 200level and 300 level?
Me; No, I just gained admission last month.
Prof; ( Now confused) then what are you doing in this class. Don’t you know that this is a final year class?
Come and see the confusion in my face, she was laughing, everyone was laughing and I was almost going in flames.
Not until she walked up to me and asked me to walk with her. We left the class and we got talking from personal life to academics and aspirations.
The class that day was cancelled because of the incident and the unanswered question was made a case study assignment.
At the end of that day, I got my correct timetable, became popular, got interested in improving my communication skills and emotional intelligence, made new friends, got myself a mentor.
More Diaries:
- It is not just about passion. It needs hard work, dedication and focus.
- Up North: Love Made Me do Extraordinary Things.
- Some Disappointments are Blessings in Disguise
- My Addiction
- MY COVID-19 Holiday Project – Shirk in Disguise