Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow

A wolf, seeing a lamb drinking from a water, wanted to find a pretext for devouring him. He stood higher up the stream and accused the lamb of muddying the water so that he could not drink. The lamb said that he drank only with the tip of his tongue, and that in any case he was standing lower down the river, and could not possibly disturb the water higher up. When this excused failed him, the wolf said: ‘well, last year you insulted my father’.

‘I wasn’t even born then,’ replied the lamb. ‘You are good at finding answers,’ said the wolf, ‘but what do you mean by taking up so much of the path where I am walking?’ The lamb, frightened at the wolf’s angry tone and terrible aspect, told him, with all due submission, that he could not conceive how his walking on such a wide path could occasion him any inconvenience. ‘What!’ exclaimed the wolf, seemingly in great anger and indignation: ‘you are as impudent as your father who seized me by the throat last year, and caused me to be kept in a cage for three months.’

‘If you will believe me,’ said the lamb ‘my parents are poor simple creatures who live entirely by green stuff; we are none of us hunters of your species’. ‘Ah! I see it’s no use talking to you,’ said the wolf, drawing up close to him. ‘It runs in the blood of your family to hate us wolves and therefore as we have come so conveniently together, I’ll just pay off a few of your forefathers’ scores before we part.’ So saying, he leapt at the lamb from behind and garroted him.

English Quiz

#1. The expression when this excused failed him suggests that the

#2. The expression angry tone and terrible aspect refers to the wolf’s

#3. Which of the following aptly describes the moral of the story?

#4. From the way the way the story ended, it can be concluded that the

#5. The charges levelled against the lamb are

#6. Capitalism is an economic system which is founded on the principle of free enterprise and the private ownership of the means of production and distribution. The …1… of capitalism claim that its essential characteristics is economic …2…. The producer is free to produce whatever goods he…3…. but the …4…. Is equally free to buy what he wants. There is a market mechanism under this system, which brings the producer and consumer together and tends to equate the supplies of one to the demands of the other, and….5….the whims and caprice of both.

#7. ......2......

#8. .....3.....

#9. ....4....

#10. ....5....

#11. In each of the questions below select the option that best explains the information conveyed in the sentence. Everyone was ready to play the ''devil’s advocate'' in the impeachment controversy

#12. Adamu’s father is a "key figure" in that ministry

#13. The government warns that drink-driving is punishable under the law

#14. In many countries, democracy is "ostensibly" being practised

#15. The investigators stated clearly that they had reached a "dead end" in their scrutiny of suspects in the murder case



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