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The impact of COVID-19 and ASUU strike on academics has become very worrisome – with the lecture-halls closed, and rest of the university community dispersed to their respective residences owing to the ongoing world pandemic.

Impact of Covid-19 and ASUU strike on academics

And with states across the nation on lock-down and the general appeal of the “Stay at Home Campaign”; a proactive measure to help mitigate the spread of the virus, you have more leisure hours than usual, leading to unproductiveness, boredom and bit of depression affecting mental health.

We believe you can make a conscious effort to channel this unfocused energy and unused time to achieving more goals, firstly your academic excellence.

When will ASSU call of the Strike?

ASUU Strike sound like norms to student image

The fact is, nobody knows!

ASSU strike almost sounds like a norm for the student body

With ASUU’s indefinite strike, plus the state lockdown as directed by the FG, academic session calendars are yet again disrupted. Looking at the COVID-19 and ASUU strike impact on academics, we are looking at close to 6-9 months delay in academic activities; the greater sacrifice is most certainly worth it.

In countries like the UK, schools have begun transitions to full-fledged digital education, classes and assessments are now held online. Students are given assignment and study during comfortable hours similar to the conventional schooling hours. Universities around the world already offer online courses and programs are not greatly affected by the COVID-19.

Sadly, in Nigeria, its educational system is not facilitated for e-learning. Organizations such as TeachforNigeria, SmartBukites and educational partners are harnessing brilliant ideas to set up a sustainable design to evolve the country’s education system.

Worry less! SmartBukites is here to help you in achieving your academic excellence. We feed students weekly with courses (Assignments, Tutorials and Solutions to Past Question) via our online Video Tutorial Portfolio ».

Tips to maintaining academic excellence during a lockdown:

  • Stay healthy
  • Take online courses
  • Study for fun (At least 1hr daily)
  • Develop personal skills
  • Engage excellent colleagues via social media to discuss relevant topics

Read: Academic Excellence -The Ultimate Guide »

Historic List of the World epidemic

A little drift back into world history, the human race as witnessed over 20 or more epidemic according to available data;

  1. Prehistoric epidemic 3000BC
  2. Plague of Athen 430BC
  3. Antoine plague AD 165
  4. Plague of Cyprian AD 250
  5. Black Death 1346
  6. Cocolizthi Epidemic 1545
  7. American Plague 16th century
  8. Great Plague of London 1665
  9. The great plague of Marseille 1720
  10. Russian plague 1770
  11. Philadelphia yellow fever 1793
  12. Flu pandemic 1889
  13. American Polloi 1916
  14. Spanish Flu 1918
  15. Asian Flu 1957
  16. Aids pandemic 1981-Date
  17. H1N1 swine flu 2009
  18. Ebola virus 2014-Date
  19. Zika Virus 2015
  20. Corona Virus 2019-Date 
3 steps to preventing corona virus. 1. Washing of hands, regularly with soap and water 2. Maintaining social distance 3.Seeking medical attention earl, when feeling unwell

A skimming analysis demonstrate similar insights from each epidemic;

  1. The world economy and population distribution changed drastically
  2. Each epidemic lasted more than a year or more before the development of drugs or vaccines to mitigate the spread
  3. Health workers and other essential service providers count reduced as many were lost attempting to treat cases
  4. Further researches will be funded to understand other forms of transmission

In July 2014, Nigeria recorded its first index case of the Ebola virus. With proactive measures and spirited health workers, the Lagos state government was the first in the world to successfully contain and eliminate the Ebola threat.

5 years later, the 

Country amongst others across the world is threatened with another epidemic “COVID-19″. States across the nation are on lock-down and the general appeal of the “Stay at the home campaign”; a proactive measure 

Post COVID-19 and ASSU Strike

As a student, if you fail to utilize this lockdown as an opportunity to study most of your difficult courses, I’m sorry to say, YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!

Manage your thoughts

With human trials of vaccine testing for the COVID-19 in play, it is not out of place to say that we will see schools and businesses closed down for the rest of the year. The world as we know it will not be the same, jobs, business, public and private institutions are either on a full or partial lockdown since the global pandemic was announced. 

This is evident that organizations should consider digitalizing their operations and set-up an enabling workplace environment (People can actually work from home)

We urge students to utilize this period to discover their career paths, develop skills, and build a strong and healthy network of opportunities and networks.