Selecting the ‘right course’ can be the most difficult task for a pre-university student. It is said that: “An 18 years old is way too young to make up his mind about his career in education path”. And the majority of higher institution aspirants are around 18 years ± 2. So making the Best decision needs some guidance which should be fully understood in this write-up. It’s more than just your brother/sister, friend or family member is doing a certain course or told you to choose a course. Choosing that course that will be termed as ‘right course’ depends on some certain factors which include:
* Ambition

Ambition is a strong desire and determination to achieve something. From childhood, most people have ambition towards a certain activity they want to pursue after growing up. Be it a specific job, an idea of the legacy they want to leave, a lifestyle they want to live or to some it’s to achieve wealth, love, education, fame or rank etc. Nowadays, most people’s ambition is attached and connected to their studies and their area/field of specialization. Having ambition is common to almost everyone, but knowing the way to follow and reach that destination is scarce. That is why a huge percentage of people change their mind midway their goal.
Let me quickly tell you a brief story. Once upon a time, a computer Engineering student whose performance is considered to be bad and below average. He shows no commitment or dedication to his studies. When asked why? He replied:
Funny, right? Not when it becomes your reality. It’s not.
To select the best course for your self should be the ‘right course’ for you that matches your ambition. So that along your studies journey, an obstacle won’t make an impact that will demotivate you because there is a certain destination you are aiming at.
Know that a lot of people’s ambition is shattered by diving into the ‘wrong course’.
Now, put down your ambition on your paper, for as we are moving, we will gradually hit that course that matches your ambition
“When Ambition fuels your desire to succeed, you are virtually Unstoppable.”
* Passion

Passion here is meant to be the interest in or admiration for something. It’s the enthusiastic enjoyment of an interest or activity. Knowing your passion gives you something to build the rest of your life around. In academics, everyone has his own part of interest say subject he is passionate about. Some people don’t like a subject to the extent that its name or taking its book to read gives them a headache or make them sleepy. …You have one right? Don’t feel bad it’s okay. Same people will have that course that just remembering it makes them happy, they enjoy studying it & find it easy and even to some, relief their pain. whenever they need enjoyment, they just start studying or revising that particular subject and they will be happy. …You also have that particular subject right? Yeah!! That’s called PASSION.
Now, Put down all the courses you believe you are passionate about, as we’re about to reach your Best and right course.
* Hard Word & Dedication

This involves taking studies seriously, committing yourself fully by giving utmost attention and sufficient time to your studies, Passion and ambition alone can’t make you succeed even if you select the right course except hardwork and dedication is involved in it. To prove to yourself, read a true life story It is not just about passion. It needs hard work, dedication and focus. I won’t graduate with my colleagues »
Some courses of study need more dedication and hardwork than others, some courses need high thinking capacity, some need high reasonability, some need high memorization capacity than others. Based on the nature of course depend on the hardwork and dedication you are to give to your ‘right course’.
Are you ready to commit yourself to the nature of your course? If Yes……
Now, put down the type of commitment and dedication you are willing to give to your studies, and nature of capacity that will suit you for your right course best.
“When Ambition fuels your desire to succeed, you are virtually Unstoppable.”
There’s a student of Computer Engineering of Bayero University Kano (BUK). He currently designed and produced an automatic Hand sanitizer. He uses his school theoretical knowledge and expands further to come up with such an amazing practical project. His aim is to help reduce the Effect of COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
Interestingly, All the skills learnt, the idea, the design and the production happens within the lockdown & schools closure of around 3 months only. Amazingly, this is just the start as this opens rooms for more ideas and opportunities. A bright and successful future ahead can be actually seen for him.
Computer Engineering has been his ‘right course’. For he has all Ambition, passion and dedication towards it. It shows it’s his passion how many students relax at home and take the schools closure as a holiday. but he keeps learning and practising his course not for school/exam purpose. This also shows his hardwork and dedication.
Full Story About the Engineering Student and the Cafe Man
There’s a computer Engineering student whose performance is considered to be bad and below average. He shows no commitment or dedication to his studies. When asked why? He replied: “I INTENDED TO APPLY FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE, BUT THE CAFÉ MAN TOLD ME THAT COMPUTER SCIENCE AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ARE ALL THE SAME. HE CHOOSES COMPUTER ENGINEERING FOR ME, AND HERE HE LEFT ME WITH TEARS.” Funny, right? Not when it becomes your reality it’s not.
Computer Engineering have been his ‘wrong course’. For it’s not related to his ambition as his ambition is related Computer Science. He has no passion in the course that’s why he isn’t trying to achieve something good at all. And it shows he isn’t hardworking.
Now Select Your Right Course
You have all the answers of your ambition & passion jotted down, Worry no more check out the list Bayero University Kano Undergraduate Courses, and select the Best that correlates with all your specifications to be termed as your ‘RIGHT COURSE’
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