Did you know that in this era, your Network is your Net Worth?

 It’s not just ‘what you know’ but also ‘who you know’ that can help you achieve your goals!

Well, guess what?

Internships are great avenues for building connections! As a Nigerian undergraduate, you can maximize the benefits of your SIWES by building and maintaining strong connections with mentors, clients and potential employers. This article will show you 7 ways to build and maintain strong connections during your SIWES.

What is SIWES?

SIWES stands for Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme, an internship program that usually runs between 3 to 6 months or 1 year. The programme familiarizes students with the work environment by bridging the gap between theory and practice. Not only that, it equips students with hands-on experience and marketable skills that make them easily employable.

SIWES has immense benefits for both students and industrial staff. It is a perfect example of an alliance that provides mutual benefit for both parties involved. Meanwhile, at the end of the program, you are required to write and submit a SIWES report.

As a student, you gain the technical know-how necessary to survive the work environment. Meanwhile,  company(ies) and other institutions also benefit from SIWES students. This is because the students serve as additional staff at little or no cost.

Build Connections or Just Network?

Many people use the terms ‘network’ and ‘connect’ interchangeably. But are they really the same? An easy way to differentiate them is by considering the depth of the relationship. In networking, you ‘know more people’ while in building connections, you ‘know people more’.

Ultimately, building connections gives more long-term benefits than networking. By building strong connections, you can gain mentors, sponsors and long-lasting mutual benefits.

Does SIWES Help in Building Solid Connections?

Are you still wondering whether SIWES helps in building solid connections? 

Let’s start with the basics. From the moment you get accepted as an intern, you already have the prospect of getting a recommendation from your employer. You’ll also get the chance to showcase your newly-acquired or polished skills on your CV!

Note that during your SIWES, you’ll be interacting with fellow employees, clients, suppliers, supervisors and sometimes even government agents! The way you conduct yourself in your interactions will determine whether you become ‘connected’ or not. 

Ways to Build and Maintain SIWES Connections

As a SIWES student, you have many chances to meet influential people. But it’s YOUR choice to turn those acquaintances into strong connections. Below are 7 key ways through which you can build and maintain strong connections:

1) Make a Good First Impression: 

Most people don’t forget the first impression you make on them. Therefore, you should start your SIWES on the right foot right from Day 1. To build lasting connections during your internship, you’ll need to start prepared. Exhibit corporate professional ethics and cultural behaviour where and when necessary. Thus can be implemented in your dressing, mode of greeting, etc.

2) Watch Your Attitude: 

Building and maintaining any profitable relationship requires displaying the right attitude. During your SIWES, you should be friendly, yet professional. Don’t cross the line between familiarity and respect!

3) Research Their Career:

Your superiors or employers would be more interested in you if you show interest in their career. You could check out their social media pages too. Unlike magnets, like minds attract when it comes to career.

4) Ask Questions:

Always remember that while on SIWES, you’re there to learn as much as you can. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask relevant questions and exchange (official) contact details. You can also ask for their advice, especially on career-related topics.

5) Get Involved in their projects: 

You will gain more experience by getting involved in your supervisors’ projects or even company projects. Through these, you’ll enrich your CV and connect with more professionals in your field of interest. But how would you know their projects? By researching about them! Social Media could help you in this aspect.

6) Use Social Media Wisely:

Social media is not just for cruising. There are lots of connections to be made on the web. You need to use Social Media wisely, especially on career development platforms like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a social media platform mostly used by professionals. With an upgraded LinkedIn profile, you can build and nurture strong connections, as well as follow up with your colleagues and employers.

Check out How to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile as a Nigerian Student

7) Keep in Touch:

It’s not just about making the connections… You need to maintain the connections and strengthen them too! Just because your internship is over doesn’t mean that you should forget about the connections you had built. A simple email or a well-wishing call could remind your employers of your amazing contributions during your IT. And just like that, you’d pop into their mind when an opportunity comes up! 


You’ve now learned the tricks for building and maintaining strong connections during your SIWES. It’s up to you to implement them!

At SmartBukites, we’re ever ready to help you in your career development journey. Stay tuned for more updates like this! You can also subscribe to the Smartbukites YouTube Channel for more realistic content targeted at your growth!


Fatima Garba Yusuf is a wayfarer on the path of Knowledge. Keen about Reading, Writing and Research, she aims at using the tools at her disposal to create a positive impact on humanity.