Hey, SIWES student!

Did you know that the Chapter 1 of your SIWES Report is one of the easiest sections to complete?

This is because the information included in the section is readily available online and offline! Note that your information should be properly referenced.

If you don’t know what to include in this chapter, you’ll miss the chance of getting cheap marks… And we certainly don’t want that for you. At Smartbukites, we are ever-ready to help you get the best grades in your SIWES and other programs.

In this article, we will be walking you through what to include in Chapter 1 of your SIWES Report!

Read: Brief History of SIWES in Nigeria

Why the SIWES Report?

If you’re a student in your penultimate (close to the last) year of study in a Nigerian University, chances are, SIWES is part of your compulsory courses. SIWES is an acronym that stands for Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme. It is sometimes known as Internship, but there are some differences between SIWES and Internship

Interestingly, you are not only expected to work for a while at a company or organization just for fun. In fact, you are required to submit a comprehensive SIWES Report at the end of the program!

Introduction: The Chapter 1 of your SIWES Report

The first chapter of any book or publication sets its pace and introduces readers to its content. This is why in your SIWES Report, you are expected to give an overview of SIWES in the first chapter, which comes immediately after the preliminary pages.

In Chapter 1 of the SIWES Report, you can provide a brief history of SIWES and how it was established, as well as its aims and objectives. Likewise, you can showcase the relevance of the SIWES experience to your field of study.

The introduction explains the objectives of the SIWES program, and in some cases, short snippets of the content of other chapters (especially your personal SIWES experience). To maximize your chances of getting a good grade, you should start out the chapter in a captivating way. Just because the information regarding the history of SIWES and its objectives are available in various sources, itdoesn’t mean that you should copy them word for word!

Hence, your introductory chapter should:

  • Present the SIWES experience, as well as how it was initiated by the Industrial Training Fund.
  • Outline the (general and specific) objectives of the SIWES
  • Highlight the importance of the SIWES experience to the student’s field or industry.

What to Include in Chapter 1 of Your SIWES Report

You’d like to get the best grades in your SIWES, right? To do that, you’ll need to prepare a standard SIWES Report.

In a standard technical report, the chapters are structured in sections and sub-sections. This can be achieved by writing the chapter title in ‘Header 1’ format and having sub-headings and sub-sub-headings as ‘Header 2’, and ‘Header 3’ titles respectively. 

As for the content of the first chapter of a standard report, they include:

  • About SIWES (Brief History of the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme)
  • Brief History of Industrial Training Fund (optional)
  • Scope of the Scheme
  • Aims and Objectives of SIWES
  • Relevance of SIWES to (student’s) field of study

Sample Images of Chapter 1 of the SIWES Report 

Below are sample images of how Chapter 1 of your SIWES Report can be outlined:

Outline of Chapter 1 in standard SIWES report
Outline of Chapter 1 in standard SIWES report

Sample of SIWES Chapter outline
Sample of SIWES Chapter outline

SIWES REPORT Samples for You!

To get a better insight on how to structure your SIWES Report in a standard way, Smartbukites has prepared A-grade SIWES Report Templates for you. This is in addition to a comprehensive guide on How to Write a Good SIWES Report.

No matter your academic discipline, these SIWES Report templates will help you maximize your chances of getting great grades for your SIWES. Head over to our SIWES Report Archives to make your choice(s)!

Meanwhile, keep staying tuned to Smartbukites for career development tips, academic tutorials and much more!