SIWES is an experience-based requirement for the award of most Bachelor’s Degrees in Nigeria. As an undergraduate, you may be required to partake in 1 or 2 SIWES programs or internships.
The standard duration of SIWES is between 2 and 6 months, depending on your Institution or departmental curriculum. After completion, you will submit your SIWES report and a Logbook you have filled during the SIWES program.
The report summarizes your experience and the skills you acquired, while the Logbook contains your daily activities during the program.
Have you started your SIWES report or about to? Do you know how to fill up your LOGBOOK? Worry Not! Follow us in this write-up to learn and understand how it is done.

Above are images showing a sample Logbook for weekly records. This page is replicated for the total number of weeks expected for the SIWES.
The first page (LOG-BOOK 01) comprises of days, Time in and Time out, and a space to record the daily activities.
As for the second page (LOG-BOOK 02), it is meant for diagrams of machines, structures or any items or equipment used during the course of the training in that week. There is a section for student’s and supervisor’s signature, dates, and comments by the industry-based supervisor.
Later in this article, we’ll attach pictures of a sample filled Logbook so that you can have an idea of what yours should look like! Meanwhile, we also have A-grade SIWES report templates for you to choose from.
Note that Logbook-filling is not as hard as many people picture it; you just need to know what to do and how to do it. It is basically important to record relevant details while avoiding redundant comments or scanty remarks. Keep reading to gain more insight on how to properly fill your SIWES Logbook.
Some SIWES students delay the filling of their Logbook until the end of their internship. But this has many disadvantages.
For one, you might forget a large chunk of your experience. Also, you could be penalized for not taking the Logbook to the industry-based supervisor for signing. Likewise, you might not be able to get access to the machines which you’re supposed to draw in your Logbook!
To avoid all these unpleasant scenarios, follow this step-by-step guide on how to fill your SIWES Logbook:
- Fill it daily/weekly
During your SIWES, avoid procrastinating until the end of the programme before you fill your Logbook. In case you’re afraid of making mistakes, record your daily activities on a separate notebook before transferring them neatly to your Logbook. You can also sketch relevant diagrams before settling down to draw then in the Logbook. Do all this before submitting the Logbook to the industry-based supervisor for his/her signature at the end of the week!
- Include Date and Time
Your SIWES Logbook is meant to be chronological. Therefore, you should write the starting and closing date range of the week in the spaces provided. I’m some cases, you’ll only be required to include the ‘week ending’ date.
Meanwhile, for each work day, include the date and time you reported for work in the spaces provided. - Summarize work done
Some industries have a lot of work done on a particular day that cannot be inserted in the space provided for the day. You are expected to summarize and mention the main points of the activities done.
For some industries that do weekly assignments, you can state the activities done continuously over the week. Start with the description of what was done on the first day, and continue with the flow of the actions in the space provided for the rest of the days. - Grammar and Spelling check
Maintain the use of good English Grammar. This will make your Logbook standard and professional. To achieve this, it’ll be important to go over what you intend to write in the available space before actually writing it. You can also read through to ensure that there aren’t any erros.
- Engage your supervisor for mentorship
Some industries have a specific format they want you to use when filling the Logbook especially those on Shift duties. Make sure you take the Logbook to your industrial supervisor at the end of the week after filling it. This is necessary in order to correct and prevent possible mistakes.
Feel free to engage your supervisors for mentorship too! This will enhance your performance and broaden your knowledge.
Below are pictures of a properly-filled SIWES Logbook. With these, you can have a better idea of how to fill your own Logbook!
Points to Note:
- Write concisely
- Label Diagrams correctly
- Indicate Date and Time
- Get the pages signed and stamped by your supervisor

Some students think that filling the Logbook is a waste of time. They wrongly believe that it has little or no impact on the skills or the experience acquired during SIWES, or even their grade.
Are you one of the students who think that only the final report, supervision and presentation contribute to your SIWES Grade?
Stop and rethink!
Your Logbook is actually one of the most solid proofs of your SIWES experience. In fact, if you record your experiences dutifully and fill your Logbook the right way, it will help you remember the key procedures you have undertaken during your SIWES. This could be the formulation of a product, the maintenance of a machine, or much more.
From the above information, you will understand that how you fill your SIWES Logbook can have a great impact not just on your SIWES grade, but on your brain as well!
The percentage grade that examiners allocate to SIWES Logbook may vary, depending on deoartment and institution. But generally, it’s given a good percentage. Some schools give about 20% while some give up to 25%!
You really don’t want to miss this percentage just because of laziness, do you? A proper SIWES Logbook will easily boost your grade, while being less challenging than your SIWES Report!
Don’t forget to check out our A-Grade SIWES Report templates. We also have video explanations on the various SIWES Report sections in our SIWES video series.
You Might Want To Check Out :
- The Dedication Section of Your SIWES Report: Where and How to Write It
- How to Write a Standard Acknowledgement Section in Your SIWES Technical Report
- The History of SIWES in Nigeria
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Product on saleKaduna Electric and Distribution Company SIWES Report SampleOriginal price was: ₦5,000.00.₦3,000.00Current price is: ₦3,000.00.
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