Thinking of how to acquire the Nigerian Society of Engineers Membership? The Nigerian Society of Engineers is an umbrella body of Engineers in Nigeria. With its structured programmes, the society looks after the professional needs of its members. It also encourages professionalism and experience through regular interaction of different cadres of Engineers.
Interesting, right?
This article gives an overview of the Nigerian Society of Engineers Membership, benefits and how to apply.
‘Problem-solvers’ — a term defining Engineers of all disciplines due to the nature of their work. And what could be better than a synergy of such great personalities?
- Brief History of NSE
- Benefits of NSE
- Code Of Engineering Conduct
- Membership Categories
- Online Application Instruction
Brief History of the Nigerian Society of Engineers
The NSE is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria as a company limited by guarantee. It was founded on 16th February 1958, a major move by a group of young Nigerian graduate engineers and students in the UK. Hence, the Society was inaugurated at the Nigerian House in London. Like some of its counterparts in other professions, the Society has distinguished itself through progressive and imaginative programmes. Over the years, it has become an avenue for the professional development of its members as well as the technological development of the country.
The Nigerian Society of Engineers aspires to be one of the best Engineering Professional bodies in the World. Its mission statements are quoted thus:
“The Nigerian Society of Engineers is dedicated to providing quality service aimed at enhancing the professional competence and development of its members at all times.
“The Nigerian Society of Engineers is committed to focused collaboration with, influencing and providing quality advice to the various arms of Government, Industry, Commerce, academia and the Society at large, for the purpose of uplifting the country as a whole.
“The Nigerian Society of Engineers shall make meaningful contributions to the advancement of technology worldwide”.
With a wide range of objectives targeted at overall development, the society stands out among its counterparts. Related bodies include Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), and Young Engineers with whom it liaises with. The society also liaises with the government in matters affecting the Engineering progression on the Boards of some government bodies and organisations.
More information on membership application, benefits, programmes and other activities related to the society can be accessed on its official website.
Benefits of the Nigerian Society of Engineers Membership

The membership of this prestigious society comes with a lot of benefits
The NSE offers beneficial courses and workshops regularly for professional improvement and educational progress of members. These courses/workshops are coordinated by the Professional Development Directorate of the National Headquarters and are organized nation-wide through Divisions and Branches of the Society and the National Headquarters.
The Society holds a National Engineering Conference annually and an international conference every two years between the last week in November and December. Themes for the conference are usually chosen based on contemporary issues and a communique issued at the end of proceedings.
Careers and Employment Advice
This is best suited for student members and corporate members looking for greener pastures. The Society provides advice to members on job placement and career progression through her Job placement unit. The unit maintains a list of members wishing to change jobs or in search of jobs, and also matches job opportunities by its job listing.
Liaison with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)
One of the benefits of the Nigerian Society of Engineers membership is that it’s well represented on the COREN council and maintains close relations with the body on all issues relating to the engineering profession. These include Engineering Regulations Monitoring (ERM), Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) and Engineers’ remuneration.
Regular exchange of ideas is highly instrumental to the progress of any society. In view of that, NSE provides a forum for engineers to exchange ideas and update their knowledge on contemporary and future developments in engineering.
Advisory services
Members of NSE enjoy advisory services from the society. This is on a wide range of matters relevant to their involvements with and development in the profession. Government and the general public may also seek the advice of the Society on Professional Engineering matters.
Awards and Prizes
The prestigious society, in a bid to encourage progress of the Engineering profession and reward great contributions, awards deserving professionals from time to time. These include Grants/Fellowships/Awards and Prizes for papers, research and other contributions to the profession.
Benevolent Fund
Charitable kindness is highly commendable everywhere, every time. The Nigerian Society of Engineers is not left out of such acts. It maintains a benevolent fund to which individual members contribute. This fund is to help members and their families in distress whenever such a situation arises.
It can be acknowledged that enkindling the competitive spirit in individuals from a young age helps in spotting potential Engineers with bright prospects. The Society sponsors and encourages competitions at all levels, right from secondary schools through Universities to Professional stages. One of these is the ‘Engineer of the Year’ Award, one instituted to recognize able Engineers who have made great contributions and deserve to be honored.
International Relations
The Society represents Nigeria through her membership of the Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC) and World Federation of Engineering Organization (WFEO). Interestingly, the NSE is also the Secretariat of the Federation of African Engineering Organization (FAEO).
Also, Foreign Industrial tours are usually organized by Branches and the Headquarters coordinated by the International Affairs unit at the Headquarters.
Code of Ethics
For the smooth running of any organization, a standard conduct is necessary for the Nigerian Society of Engineers membership. The NSE has established a Code of Ethics to control the professional conduct of her members. Disciplinary actions are instituted under this code. Therefore, all members are expected to adhere to the general Code of Engineering Conduct.
Code of Engineering Conduct

- Every member is expected in his general conduct to uphold and enhance the honour and dignity of the Engineering profession and the reputation of the Nigerian Society of Engineers and to act always in the public interest:
- A member shall make available his professional knowledge and experience in accordance with his code as a consultant or adviser, or a salaried employee, or a teacher of Engineering Science, or in design, or manufacture, or construction as a faithful agent and trustee of his client, employer, or other people connected with the works.
- A member shall not practice in a dual capacity as a consultant and as a contractor for the same project except with the prior written consent of the client.
- A member shall not place orders on his own behalf in respect of a project on which he is engaged but shall only do so explicitly on behalf of his client.
- A member shall not be the medium of payments made on his clients behalf unless specifically so requested in writing by his client, but shall only issue certificate for payments.
- A member shall not take part in competition involving the submission of proposals and designs for engineering work unless an assessor which shall be an Engineer of acknowledged standing has been appointed to whom all such proposals and designs are to be submitted for adjudication.
- A member shall not invite or submit priced proposals under conditions that constitute price competition for professional services.
- A member shall not advertise engineering services in self-laudatory language or in any other manner derogatory to the dignity of the profession.
- A member, on engineering works in a foreign country the members may adapt his conduct according to the professional standards and customs of the country, but shall adhere as closely as practicable to the principles of this code.
It should be noted that:
- A Member of the Society is expected to be current and committed in the payment of his dues and levies as may be imposed by Council. All subscriptions are due on the 1st day of July each year.
- A Member whose subscription is in arrears for one year shall lose his membership of or affiliation to the Society.
- Every member or affiliate is bound to further, to the best of his ability, the objects, interests and influence of the Society.
Membership Categories
The following are guidelines for persons who want to become members of the Nigerian Society of Engineers. There are six grades of membership namely: Student Member, Graduate Member, Corporate Member, Associate, Fellow and Honorary Fellow.
The education and training required for each grade of membership are listed below:
Student Member
Students who are aspiring to acquire the Nigerian Society of Engineers membership must be a person who is undertaking an approved engineering course of training leading to a degree in an institution recognised by the Council of the Society for the purpose of training professional engineers. Being a member of this great society is a huge plus to Engineering Students nationwide. It’s a prestigious position which opens doors to lots of opportunities.
Graduate Member
A person seeking admission to Graduate Membership must possess an academic qualification acceptable to the Council of the Society and registrable by the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) under the provisions of the Engineering Registration Decree (No.55) of 1970 or such amendments thereof. Post-qualification practical experience is not a requirement for entry into this class. HND holders are also not registrable.
Corporate Member
Candidates for this membership are grouped into different categories thus:
- A1 – Candidates who are holders of the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering whose institutions’ programmes are accredited by COREN and with such candidates having been registered by COREN as Professional Engineers.
- A2 – Candidates- This covers engineers who are already Corporate Members of Engineering Institutions (licensed as Professional Chartered or Registered Engineers) recognized by COREN.
- B1 – Candidates- These are holders of the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering whose qualifications are accredited by COREN or any overseas accreditation board recognised by COREN. Such candidates must have acquired a minimum of 4 years post-qualification experience.
- B2 – Candidates who obtained HND and PGD in the same field of Engineering from approved Institution and had acquired a minimum of 6 years post-graduation experience in the practice of Engineering.
- B3 – Candidates who obtained HND in Engineering from an approved institution and have successfully completed the NSE Graduateship Examinations and have had additional 2 years of engineering practice.
- C1 – Candidates are holders of correct and adequate basic academic qualifications by COREN Standards and Regulations who are 40 years and above. Such candidates as at the time of application must have a minimum of 10 years post-qualification experience. The candidates must appear in person.
- C2 – Candidates who are holders of correct and adequate basic academic qualifications by COREN Standards and Regulations and are top executives in Government parastatals or Industries etc, who are not only 45 years and above with respect to age, but who, as at the time of application have a minimum of 15 years post qualification experience. They may be accorded Presidential interview through NSE branch.
A person seeking election as an Associate of the Nigerian Society of Engineers membership shall possess an academic qualification at the level of a university degree in the sciences allied to engineering science or the qualifications approved by the Council of the Society. In addition, he shall have been engaged in work related to the practice of engineering for a minimum period of 5 years.
A Fellow of the Society is a distinguished personality with all privileges of a member and other ones conferred by the Fellowship category as prescribed by Council. Fellows are recognised for valuable and selfless service to the Society and widely acknowledged authority in their various fields. Accordingly, such personalities are eligible to vote at the AGM and can aspire to any positions in the Society in line with the conditions as prescribed by Council.
The following requirements/conditions are necessary for anyone to qualify for fellowship award by the Nigerian Society of Engineers:
- All candidates must have been corporate members of the Society for 10 years in addition to what is written in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of NSE.
- All HND holders must have an additional academic qualification(s) before Fellowship.
- All referees must be financial members of the Society and their reference letters must be received before the consideration of the candidate’s application. (Only the President can waive this option).
- Intending members must have attended at least 5 AGMs in the last ten years prior to the year of application.
- Must have written and presented four (4) Technical/Management papers at NSE and or any other fora acceptable to the Board of Fellows (all papers must have been presented in the last 10 years).
- Aspirants also must have worked on some outstanding projects (that stand out from the ordinary).
- Attended the yearly refresher Engineering Courses/Workshops to make him or her current on engineering practice and not with obsolete knowledge (must show evidence of this in the application form).
- All candidates must be active in their Branch and Division activities.
- Financial status must be consistent. There must be evidence of consistency in the payment of dues to NSE in the last 5 years.
Honorary Fellow
The Council of the Society may at its discretion elect distinguished persons to Honorary Fellowship. Such persons, though not necessarily engineers, would normally have used their positions to render notable assistance to the practice of engineering science.
Online Application Instruction

One can easily apply for NSE membership through the society’s online portal. The application form is available online on the society’s portal. Applicants are required to properly fill in the necessary information and pay the required fees. For more information, you can go through the Membership Portal Guide. Please read the registration instructions carefully before filling the application form. To register, visit the registration portal at https://portal.nse.org.ng/Account/Register
All payments must be initiated from the portal but can be made online, bank or other channels provided by Interswitch or Remita. Only payment transactions that originated from the portal will automatically unlock your registration account.
With the information contained in this article, you can easily weigh your options and make a wise decision. If you’re an Engineering Student, studying in any Engineering Discipline offered in BUK or any other university, this is a great opportunity for you. Here’s a chance to get acquainted with the Engineering World at an early stage and gain lots of experience!
At SmartBukites, we’ll be with you as we walk down the lane of progress. From the choice of course of study to tips for academic excellence, registration guidelines, reading resources, online tutorials, didactic student life accounts, relevant news, strategies for productive semesters and much more, our website has it all! Stay tuned for access to many great opportunities. You can also contribute your own quota through our platform. Stay Smart!